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To be a leading Kuwaiti and Gulf company in Managing and Consulting Cultural Projects, Organizations, and Institutions in Creative Industries, Visual Arts, Performing Arts, and Cultural Exchange.


To deliver international best practice Cultural Projects Management and Consulting, through our international and local professional and qualified associates
To collaborate with regional and international organizations and institutions to implement and develop cultural projects

To develop and deliver successful and impactful projects for our clients and their audiences.
To provide innovative and engaging
projects solutions to our clients
We ensure that everything we provide embodies the highest standards of integrity, ethics and professionalism. Our professional practice is guided by international guidelines for cultural and museological institutions, we follow the ICOM guidelines, the UNESCO museum management and operational guidelines, and the ICOM Code of Ethics for cultural and museological institutions.
We only work with clients aligned with these international best practice guidelines, or with clients seeking our support to align themselves with them or seeking accreditation from ICOM.

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